Jimmy Ludvigsen Holding ApS was created in 2015 when Jimmy Ludvigsen and the other partners behind T26 A/S sold the company. Jimmy Ludvigsen Holding ApS have since then invested in other companies. Recently the company have been focusing on building the system behind BestQual.dk. BestQual will launch at a later date.
Who is Jimmy Ludvigsen?
In 1986 Jimmy started to work on his first professional software project. Since then he has specialized himself in website &, database development, designing very large database systems, performance tuning and search engine optimization. During the time he have occupied all roles in software development from developer and DBA to project leader, development director and CEO.
Jimmy Ludvigsens latest adventure is BestQual where he will be selling private label products on Amazon.
Contact information
If you have any questions to Jimmy Ludvigsen Holding ApS feel free to contact us.
E-mail: info@jimmyludvigsen.com